
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

8 more weeks... and i'll be bidding this place goodbye.

I can't say i'm that excited about going back to SG.

As much as i always complaint about this and that, i can't really say that i wanna go back. Part of me wanna stay here. It is not the place that make me wanna stay, perhaps except for the weather.

It's just that I love my freedom here.
Nobody to boss me around telling me i should do this, shouldn't do that.
I can shower for 1 hour and eat KFC 3 times a days and not answer to anybody.
I don't have to be the responsible elder sister or care for anybody else.
And most of all, I can do whatever i want over here and not think about what others might say.
I'm a nobody in a foreign land.
Basically, i get to be selfish over here.

Going back means finding a job, which i super dread.
I do not enjoy working life. It's so mundane! I can't stand it.

My previous job was a horror!
Looking back, i seriously wonder what made me stay so long.
I wasted amost 2 years of my life lock in that stupid dungeon!

Then there's the stressful working life in SG.
It's not that Aust working life has no stress, it's just that it's so different!

I went to the city last friday, it was 10.30am in the morning and those freaking office workers are having breakfast in cafe! You never see such a sight in Raffles Place at 10.30am on a weekday?!

The other day i was reading Straits Times Online.
There was this article about kids going back to school during holidays.
Yesh, that article just made me fumed.
It actually took so long for people to realise how wrong it is?!

For god's sake, if it's the holidays, let the kids have a break!
In the States, teachers won't worked during holiays except if there are paid extra!
Forcing kids to come back for tutions, remedials, giving them tons of projects etc..gosh
They will have plenty of time to work their butt off in the future, in the meantime just let them be kids and enjoy their childhood!!

One thing i absolutely can't stand about SG other than 'kiasu sg-rean rushing into MRT' is the education system. Personally, i find it too result-based, degrading (especially the streaming) and it suppresses creativity and talent of the kids.

Then there is the biase-ness towards the JCs over polys and ITEs which is causing brain-drain in SG, which i don't have to go into. It's already so obvious. Young talents are going oversea, settling somewhere else.

When i come over here, i realised just how we SG-rean lose out in so many ways. Yesh, we may be hardworking, we may be good at grades, but when it comes to presentations, speaking your mind/opinions, asking questions during lectures, challenging/questioning the lecturer at what we're being taught, interacting with people, being passionate about what we are learning, we SG-reans fail so miserably!

We don't have much presentations in school, we weren't taught to question our lecturers and often just accept what's given. We weren't passionate with what we are doing, it's all about what is "hot and earn big $$" industry promoted by the government!

It's like there's sooo many things that i can go on. It's not that i don't love SG, it's just that there's soo many things that can definitely be improved.

Okie, enough ramblings, time to get back to work.

I soo soooo need a break, getting so grumpy.

doodling @....7:37 PM

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Finally, changed my blog song. Getting so sick of the previous one.
Spent 1 freaking hour trying to get this song up, met tons of errors.

Tell me what u guys think of the new song!
It's from the Korean drama Witch Yuhee.

Anyway.. *sigh*
I know i've not been updating.

Suffocating under the pile of assignments. Tolerance level has been rather low lately. It's the stress getting into me. So many group works too, and the conflicts and stuff. Gosh, i'm sooo noottt a group-work person.

I can't stand it when someone criticize my work, even if it's consider "constructive" criticism. I'll act all super protective and go "~!@#$!! It's MY work, MY marks, not yours. SO ~!#@#$# off~!!"

Aussies are such lazy, super-freaking last-minute people. It's amazing how they get all the way to Uni. So fed-up working with them. Super pissed off by them, what on earth are they doing in Uni anyway, I seriously doubt if they even have any brains! ArGH~!!

doodling @....2:14 PM